Welcome Team

As you come into Highpoint, you will find our Shepherds, Trustees, staff members, and host team available at the front doors, the kids check-in station, and at the sanctuary doors. They are available for you to ask questions, get directions or simply chat with and get to know!  


Feel free to grab coffee and hang out in the lobby, or you may go on into the sanctuary and have a seat.  

Our Services

Services start promptly at 9:30am and 11:00am with worship.

However, never fear- we have a casual environment and you may come in at any point.  


During the service, guests will be welcomed during announcements, however, you will never be asked to introduce yourself.  We will simply welcome you and give you the opportunity to fill out a welcome card or ask for prayer. These forms are located in the seat backs and may be placed in the offering basket in the back of the sanctuary as you leave.

Looking for our children’s ministry area?  As you enter through our main front doors, simply look straight ahead and you will see our kids check-in area.  There will be a friendly volunteer present to help on your first visit.


We use a computerized check-in system in order to best track allergies and special needs and to help our teachers ensure that the kids are always safe and in the right location.  After your first visit, you (or your child) will be able to check-in on your own, print the security label and name-tag, and proceed to class. 


Infant, Toddlers, PreK, and Elementary have classes during both services, with Middle and High School meeting during the 11:00am service time.


For more information check out our Kids Ministry page


At Highpoint, we take communion every week in order to remember and celebrate the sacrifice Jesus made on our behalf.  This is an open invitation to all who are believers in Christ.  You will be directed during the service to pick up your communion cups at the appropriate time. 



We have an offering box available in the back of the sanctuary each week for those who want to give by check or cash on Sunday morning.  We do not ask anything of our guests, but simply want to give to you! Don’t forget to place your welcome or prayer request cards in the basket so we know how best to serve you.  



Have Questions? Let us help!

Still have questions about our church? Please use the form below and one of staff will get back to you shortly.

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