Spiritual growth is not so much about “doing” as it is about “becoming” – becoming more like Christ. It’s a lifelong adventure that takes patience, commitment, and intentional focus. It’s not what we do along the way that is most important. What really matters is who we are becoming in the process. Ultimately, the Christian life is about building an intimate relationship with Jesus as the Holy Spirit changes us from the inside out.
Join for one of our Bible studies each week and grow with us!
You may contact office@hpf.org to be directed to the appropriate leader for any of our studies or groups!
Women’s Bible Study, Room 122. Zoom option is available as well.
Current Study: “Luke in the Land” by Kristi McLelland
Co-ed Adult Bible Study, Room 122. Zoom option is available as well.
Current Study: Deep dive into the current sermon series
Women’s Heart 2 Heart Bible Study, Main Sanctuary
Women’s Detailed Activities and Recorded Sessions
Current Study: Gospel of John
The 1st Wednesday of the month this group meets for breakfast and sharing at 9:30am.
Join us for The Table, our Mid-Week Service! Every Wednesday 6pm-8pm. Classes and activities for all age groups.
Men’s Bible Study, Room 122