TW Davis
Lead Pastor
Amy Stevens
HR and Leadership Development Director
Tyler Murphy
Associate Pastor-Worship
Nina Pena
Associate Pastor- Children
Cody Singleton
Associate Pastor- Youth
Pat Spencer
Facility Manager
Josh Edwards
IT Support
Connie Smith
Ministry and Facility Executive Assistant
Emily Thompson
Social Media / Advertising Assistant

Each year, the congregation of Highpoint Fellowship selects members to the Board of Trustees.


Elected board members are:  Megan Spencer, Tanya Visser, Ted Woodward, Ebony Ornelas, Ricky Covington, Trevor Akin, Dave Dillman, and Joshua Thompson


Rights and Responsibilities: Trustees are given the right and responsibility to conduct the general business of the church, including oversight of the financial, legal and administrative aspects of the church. Both the Lead Pastor and the Executive Director report directly to the Board of Trustees.


Qualifications: To qualify to serve as a Trustee of the church, a person shall

  • Have demonstrated experience in ministry or church leadership
  • Be committed to Highpoint Fellowship’s purpose, goals, and leadership
  • Possess gifts of wisdom, leadership, administration
  • Be a member for at least 2 years before being elected

Characteristics: The characteristics of persons serving as Trustees should include:

  • A life that models Christ and demonstrates high integrity,
  • Spiritual gifts of wisdom, leadership, and administration,
  • Strong communication skills,
  • The ability to work together as a team with other Trustees,
  • The respect of Highpoint Fellowship members and others in our community, and
  • A deep love for the members of Highpoint

Responsibilities of a Member In Good Standing: Membership in the church implies certain individual responsibilities.

Members, by the enabling of God, should:

  • Honor, love, and pray for the leadership of the church,
  • Honor, love, and pray for one another,
  • Strive to preserve unity and harmony in the body,
  • Serve the body by using God­-given gifts and talents,
  • Attend church assemblies and meetings regularly, and
  • Contribute, as the Lord enables, time, talent, tithes, and offerings for the church


If you would like to contact our Trustees about a church matter, you may contact our office at

Each year, new Shepherds are nominated and selected to the Shepherd team.  


The current Shepherds are:  Norma Dowd, Gino Peña, Brian Short, Teresa Short, and Vickie Covington. The pastoral staff are also participating Shepherds, including TW Davis, Amy Stevens, Tyler Murphy, Nina Pena, and Cody Singleton.


The Highpoint Fellowship bylaws state: 

The Shepherds are a team of lay church members whose purpose is to provide spiritual guidance, compassionate care, and teaching to the church. Shepherds serve the role as ascribed to elders, bishops, or overseers in the Bible. (I Timothy 3:1 – 7Titus 1:6 – 9I Peter 5:1 – 4)


Responsibilities of the Shepherds include, but are not limited to:

  1. Providing Spiritual Guidance
    • Intercede daily for spiritual wisdom and insight (Ephesians 1:17).
    • Develop relationships by being present and available (especially in groups, classes, ministries and the lobby). Show up.
    • Identify and disciple growing Christians so they, in turn, can disciple others.
    • Lovingly lead members to resolve relational problems in a Biblical way.
    • Gently restore people who are caught in a sin. Always be aware of how easy it is to be tempted. Be willing to bear one another’s burdens (Galatians 6:1-2).
  2. Providing Compassionate Care
    • Show unconditional love to all members regardless of their opinions, personalities, backgrounds or failures.
    • Respond to prayer requests. The Shepherds should ensure that all requests are covered in prayer.
    • Visit those in the hospital, the sick and the homebound (when appropriate).
    • Provide generous support to the Trustees, the Staff, Ministry Leaders and fellow Shepherds through encouragement, mentoring and prayers.
    • Communicate with your fellow Shepherds in sharing responsibility to provide pastoral care.
    • Be hospitable.
  3. Providing Teaching a. Teach through actions, words and the Scriptures.
    • Guard the church from unbiblical teaching.

We affirm that we are wholly inadequate to the task of shepherding God’s church. We rely on the Holy Spirit more than any process or system.  Our prayer is- first, middle, and always- that we are being transformed into Christ’s likeness through the power and leading of the Lord, who is the Spirit (2 Corinthians 3:18).


If you would like to contact our Shepherd team, you may contact them at